Involve Your youngsters in Food options for healthier eating habits #Giveaway

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Udział nine million kids in the us over the age of 6 are thought about overweight or obese.  All these youngsters are at higher danger of establishing heart disease, diabetes as well as will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.  These facts are alarming.  Programs like our government’s Let’s Move! campaign as well as academic blogs such as this one are working difficult to raise understanding of youth obesity.  SweetLeaf Stevia Sweetener, the only all-natural stevia sweetener with zero calories, carbohydrates as well as glycemic index is likewise dedicated to increasing understanding of youth obesity with promoting appropriate nutrition.

Studies show that one of the very best methods to teach kids about healthier eating is to include them more in food choices.  When I go to the grocery store with my youngsters commonly I let them selected a different fruit or vegetable from the create department.  trying new flavors is interesting as well as offering an unusual healthy food for your youngsters is a wonderful discovering chance for them.

Like most young kids my youngsters crave sweets as well as sugary snacks.  The thousands as well as countless sugary packaged foods on the market today have only made the youth obesity epidemic worse.  however you can show your youngsters that they can still eat wonderful foods without all the added sugar.  By utilizing SweetLeaf liquid Stevia wonderful drops instead of sugar in your kids’ preferred recipes they will be able to satisfy their wonderful tooth without the unfavorable impacts they get from sugar.

My kids like adding a few drops of SweetLeaf liquid Stevia to ordinary greek yogurt, smoothies, milk or water.  SweetLeaf liquid Stevia drops are available in these tasty flavors:

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Coconut • Watermelon • Cola • Lemon decrease • Valencia Orange • Berry chocolate Raspberry • English Toffee • Vanilla Crème • Hazelnut • peppermint • root BeerGrape • Apricot Nectar • chocolate • Cinnamon

Below is a wonderful recipe from SweetLeaf that you can make with your kids.

Orange Crème Smoothie

6 oz. odtłuszczone mleko

¼ cup orange slices

4 oz. vanilla non-fat yogurt


4 drops wonderful drops Vanilla Crème

4 drops wonderful drops Valencia Orange

Combine components as well as blend up until smooth.

For more recipes as well as info about SweetLeaf liquid Stevia or SweetLeaf Stevia Sweetener, see 

*Disclosure: I got a sample of SweetLeaf liquid Stevia drops in these flavors: chocolate, coconut, watermelon, as well as vanilla creme in exchange for this review.  All opinions are precise as well as 100% mine.

One healthy moms magazine visitor can win a 2oz bottle of SweetLeaf wonderful drops in the flavor of his or her choice.  All you requirement to perform in order to go into is like SweetLeaf on Facebook, comply with SweetLeaf on Twitter as well as leave us a comment with your preferred flavor.   You can selected from any type of of these flavors:

·         Watermelon

· Cola

·         Lemon Drop

·         Valencia Orange

·         Berry

·         chocolate Raspberry

· Angielskie toffi

·         Vanilla Crème

·         Hazelnut

· piwo korzenne

· Winogrono

·         Apricot Nectar

· Czekolada

·         SteviaClear

This contest is available to us residents 18+ as well as ends on Friday Feb. 1, 2013 at 8am PST.

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Related  Why You should add Phytonutrients to your Diet

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Cascia Talbert jest gorączkowym blogerem, wydawcą, niezależnym pisarzem, w Internecie, a także mama pięciorga dzieci, mieszkających na północno -zachodnim Pacyfiku. Z B.A. W historii, a także przepisom, a także entuzjazmowi komponowania, a także zdrowia, założyła magazyn Healthy Moms w 2007 roku. Profesjonalni pracownicy zdrowia i dobrego samopoczucia, a także blogerzy mam. Pani Talbert uważa, że ​​jeśli matki są dobrze poinformowane o problemach zdrowotnych i dobrego samopoczucia, a także dokładnie, jak zachować zdrowie, mogą przekazać te informacje swoim dzieciom, a także odwrócić statystyki otyłości młodzieży w USA

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Link do tego postu: angażowanie młodych ludzi w opcjach żywności dla zdrowszych nawyków żywieniowych #GiveAway


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